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The FirstClass web site structure
You can create single, multiple, and multiple-language web sites on your FirstClass system. By default, when you install FirstClass, you automatically get a web site conference called Main Site with the Multiple Sites & Languages form already filled in. You do not have to modify this conference, unless you want to customize the home page, as it has all of the components necessary to run a single site on your system.
If you support multiple sites or multiple sites and languages, each site must have a separate container and unique name. For multiple-language sites, you must have a separate subfolder for each language. You must also manually enter each site's information in the Multiple Sites & Languages form. For information on how to create a web site, see Creating a FirstClass web site.
In all cases, the basic site structure is the same. The only required objects are a template set, Images container, and Home Page document. Here are some examples of different web site structures you could have, although you can have many different ones according to your needs:

The Husky Planes site setup
Let’s take a look at an example of the different web sites and languages configured on Husky Planes:
In the above example, Husky Planes has three different web sites: Canada, US, and Spain, each pointing to the same server machine. Canada and US each have separate folders for the two different languages they support. Each container has a home page in its respective language. Husky's administrator has placed English, French, and Spanish language files in the Resource Registry.
This is how we configured the Multiple Sites and Languages form for our configuration:
Jacques Bertrand from Canada has two languages set in his browser’s preference list: French as the default and English as his second language. Lucy Tyler from the United States has two languages set in her browser’s preference list: Spanish as the default and English as her second language. Enrico Hernandez has Spanish as his only language choice in his browser’s preference list. This is what these users would see accessing Husky Planes:
                                Jacques         Lucy            Enrico
Canada          French                  English English
US                              English         Spanish Spanish
Spain                   Default         Default Default
Since the Canada site supports both English and French:
•       Jacques will get the French home page and templates
•       Lucy will get the English home page and templates
•       Enrico will get the Spanish home page and templates.
Since the US site supports both English and Spanish:
•       Jacques Bertrand will get the English home page and templates
•       Lucy Tyler will get the Spanish home page and templates
•       Enrico Hernandez will get the Spanish home page and templates.
Since the Spanish site supports only English, all three users get the default, English, only.

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